
The Corporate christian

In the turbulent times we find ourselves in these days where morals are far fetched in our current  corporate and political climate comes a book series that shakes the very foundation of those ideologies, introducing The Corporate Christian - Christian Belief vs. Corporate Behavior by Pastor Owen E. Williams.

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The Corporate christian 2

“The corporate workplace can be very hostile to Christian principles, given that the methods, measures and beliefs for success in the two worlds are often at odds with each other,” states Pastor Owen E. Williams. 

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The Corporate christian III

The Corporate Christian III: The Hidden War is the last leg of a three-book trilogy highlighting the complex dynamics between Christian faith and Christian love in the provoking, tempestuous,  and enticing environments of the corporate world.

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American Christianity Black Liberation White Legalism

American Christianity Black Liberation White Legalism attempts to understand and explain the churches’ passive and, in some cases, silent national attitude and behavior towards matters of privilege, discrimination, greed, and racism in and throughout the western world’s history.” –
Rev. Owen E. Williams.

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In these difficult times that we find ourselves traveling through, where our eyes and ears see and hear the sufferings of so many from heartbreaking losses, where Grief, Discouragement, Depression and Doubt has taken root in the lives of millions. We asked ourselves "how can I help? What can I do? The Lords answer to us is simple "Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul and mind" and "Love your neighbor as yourself". Beloved small acts of kindness towards the stranger is all that is needed to begin to rebuild the community, the church and the person. 1 Peter 3:8 "Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind. God bless you and thank you for your sacrificial gift.
